
Gender: Female

Country: United States

Member since: 06/09/2022

Rating: 0

Fans: 10

Stars: 0

VIPs: 3

Tokens: 100

Age: Prefer Not To Say

Sexual Preference: Bisexual

Body type: Voluptuous

Hair: Other

Eyes: Blue

Height: 5’ 5" (165 cm)

Zodiac Sign: Sagitarius

Languages: n/a

Turn Ons: n/a

More info about me

Nope, only showing your dick doesn't turn me on, no matter how hard you try. 😊

Appearance is the last thing that attracts me in someone.

 I love listening to music and playing games. I may even do it with no shirt on. 

Be respectful, sweet, and dont forget to tip ;) You may be surprised what may happen if you do.

On that note, just because you tip, does not mean I am expected to do anything. Those patient with me will be more rewarded. 

I love being complimented and spoiled. I will treat you right if you treat me right. I promise. 

I just wanna spend my life laughing, dancing, and eating taco bell. 

My Diary



  • SPANK ASS -10 Tokens

  • FEET- 30 Tokens

  • TITS - 90 Tokens

  • ASS - 80 Tokens

  • TWERK - 90 Tokens

  • BLOW A KISS - 10 Tokens

  • 10X SPANKS - 30 Tokens

  • OPEN MOUTH - 30 Tokens

  • OWN ME - 1000 Tokens

  • LEGS - 40 Tokens

  • STAND UP 10 Tokens


I wanna use my Tokens to change my Username Dx