
Gender: Female

Country: United States

Member since: 05/01/2015

Rating: 0

Fans: 976

Stars: 60

VIPs: 599

Tokens: 1,430

Age: Prefer Not To Say

Sexual Preference: Bisexual

Body type: A Few Extra lbs.

Hair: Other

Eyes: Brown

Height: 5’ (152 cm)

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

Languages: n/a

Turn Ons: n/a

More info about me


  • Why are you here?

I work from home so I don't get as much socializing as I used to. I hang out here to shoot the shit and have good conversation, hit me up if you want to chat!

  • Do you do privates?


  • Do you watch?

Not dicks! I'm happy to view other people who have their smiling faces on cam but i'm not interested in seeing you play with your tallywhacker.

  • What is "googly boobies?"

Exactly what it sounds like! I stick googly eyes on both of my boobs so the nipples look like noses then I jiggle my boobs!

  • Do you show anything else?

If it's not on my tip menu or dare wheel you won't get to see it!

  • How can I gain access to your room?
Access to the room can be granted for 100 tokens

My Diary

Treat your friendly neighborhood giraffe! 

thedundeeIn the heart of America, where landscapes unfold, There's a friend named Stumpy, with hair so bold. In the Smoking Lounge, our paths did align, A connection sparked, a friendship so fine.

With googly eye boobies, a cool trick in her hand, Stumpy brings laughter to the cyberland. Baths, a ritual of serenity and calm, A splash of color in her vibrant charm.

Her hair ablaze with vibrant hues, Eyes that sparkle with tales she'd choose. Giraffes etched on her skin, a story to tell, In Stumpy's world, where vibrant colors swell.