
Gender: Female

Country: United States

Member since: 06/07/2017

Rating: 0

Fans: 0

Stars: 0

VIPs: 0

Tokens: 0

Age: Prefer Not To Say

Sexual Preference: Bisexual

Body type: Voluptuous

Hair: Black

Eyes: Green

Height: Prefer Not To Say

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

Languages: n/a

Turn Ons: n/a

More info about me

If you would like to make a purchase I can happily accommodate you with some verrryyy well worn and loved undies, teddies, nighties, stilettos, bathing suits, pantyhose, fragrant fishnets, scented socks and more! These have been worn for days, slept in and pretty much anything else you can imagine. I love to accommodate all types of fetishes.

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