Gender: Female
Country: United States
Member since: 06/28/2017
Rating: 0
Fans: 151
Stars: 6
VIPs: 79
Tokens: 40
Age: 26
Sexual Preference: Straight
Body type: Slim
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5’ 2" (157 cm)
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Languages: English
Turn Ons: Panty sniffers, fishnet stockings, and being a 'submissive'
More info about me
Unpublished work, © 2017 Alyx Patterson
All photos, and images within this present article, are Copyright protected. Copyright infringements or other forms of duplicating any images that are trademarked as, Lil’MizzBowz© or Lil’MizzBowz Sweet & Sodden “Pretties”© is strictly prohibited. All Copyrights and Trademarks are registered and verified for the protection of the original images and/or titled names from being duplicated, stolen, or distorted, as well as used for any other purposes other than originally intended within the genuine Copyright Act and/or Trademark Contract.
My Diary
My written forward for my most recently started journal
"How does the unfamiliar appear to be so easily recognizable, yet continuously forgotten? When fallen down within vulnerable moments, the unfamiliar is revealed and biologically it is then remembered. Thus, pride stubbornly turns a cheek at the recognition and assumes position. Spitefully, familiarity gleams to the point it appears to radiate heat until torched red hot. Quickly, the grin from obvious realization scorches the turned cheek and without hesitation hubris submits. Therefore, the helping hand of dignity shines a light of acceptance upon the unknown for which it had always been known, as well as never truly forgotten, yet simply overlooked."
Unpublished work, © 2017 Alyxandra Lyn Patterson